Exploring YOUR Real Values

Words and Their Meanings

Below is a list of 14 belief systems. Indicate your strong personal preference. Study the list carefully, then place a "1" next to the belief system which is most important to you. Place a "2" next to the belief system which is second most important to you. The belief system which is least important, relative to the others, should be ranked "14". You may perceive some duplication and conflict in the terms. Define them as best you can to yourself, accept and use the instrument as it is. What is desired is a personal commitment to a position. 

Ten minutes will be allowed - this is designed to cause you to choose what immediately strikes you as correct

THEN  - Have a friend or relative do the same survey below and follow the instructions from the assignment schedule and submit.

____ LAW AND ORDER: elimination of crime and unrest

____ A COMFORTABLE LIFE: a pleasurable and successful life

____ A WORLD AT PEACE: a world free of war and conflict

____ YOUR LIFE: protection of your life

____ EQUALITY: brotherhood, equal opportunity for all

____ LIVES OF OUR LOVED ONES: survival of your loved ones

____ NATIONAL DEFENSE: protection from attack

____ PERSONAL AND FAMILY SECURITY: safe and free from worry

____ RESPECT FROM OTHERS: looked up to, admired by others

____ SALVATION: saved, eternal life

____ SELF-FULFILLMENT: developing myself, my life, fully

____ WISDOM: a mature, satisfying, understanding of life

____ DEMOCRACY: a truly democratic representative government

____ ALL HUMAN LIFE: the survival of all human life

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