Challenging Typical American

"Mushy Thinking"

What is Mushy Thinking?

Have you been around someone when they pick 
up a particularly soft or slimy object  
(like Jello?), and exclaim:
"Ooh, that's mushy..."
  If you or I were to pick up 
that item, we too would probably wince and think,
"'Yuk', you're right, that feels...squishy!  

Exactly!! - Transfer that concept to the realm of "critical or logical thinking" and it describes mushy thinking!!!  

It's........"squishy" -  without real borders, 
boundaries or substance. 

  Definition: Mushy Thinking:
  without extensive thought or research, based 
emotion rather than logic; untenable, does not hold up well to examination.  Resulting in:
mutually exclusive views on the same idea, concept or person.

This type of thinking stems from several places:

  • Ignorance of a given topic or topics

  • One's personal worldview and values

  • Sloppy or lazy thinking/analysis of facts

A recent Example??

The US Post Office stated on November 8, 2001 that due to the September 11 terrorist attack, and anthrax problems, they were losing billions of dollars.  The good news is that they said that they felt that the costs of these problems should NOT be passed on to mail users (you and me) by means of higher postage stamp costs.  Instead, they want the Federal Government to reimburse them for all of their losses.  Hmmm...where does the Federal Government get ALL of their money?  Hint, hint (from you and me)!!!


1.    Building your house on sand when storms are constantly hitting the beach but convincing yourself that somehow it will be OK.

2.   Buying a Professional football team but instead of putting the best professional possible on the field, you fill you team with your son’s State championship high school team.  You think, “gee these kids are really good, and it will help their self image too.”  They may be excellent at the high school level, but no matter how good that team is in high school, they will be CRUSHED by the pros. 

You say, “That is preposterous, no one in their right mind would do either one of those ignorant things!”  Ok, do your own research.  Open up the newspaper and read about the incredible mushy thinking decisions, which in some cases are made by some very “smart” people. 
Shall I be controversial?  -- 1.  Suing tobacco companies for millions/billions of dollars after you have smoked 20 years and were told your entire life how dangerous it was.  OR     2.  Continuing to vote for a political party long after they have left the values that you hold dear, simply because that is the way you were raised OR you have misconceptions about the other party and do not have the courage to change.  -- OR - 3.  Prosecuting a mother for placing her newborn in a dumpster, YET she could have aborted that very viable child 2 minutes earlier in most every state, and it would have simply been considered a choice and applauded!

 You may not like the examples, (I expect you to have a mind willing to learn and be challenged to new ideas, not one that always agrees.  AND when you disagree, do so with logic, not emotion) but you must admit they are pretty goofy in terms of Critical, logical and wise decision-making.  In fact, “GOOFY” is a good term for Mushy Thinking!!  At least in part, avoiding this "squishy" thinking involves doing your mental homework, standing by your convictions (or developing some) and taking personal responsibility for your actions.  -- To put it bluntly, mushy thinking could also be called, moronic, idiotic, even imbecilic!  Does that mean that people who use mushy thinking are idiots, imbeciles or morons ?  NO, but it means that for at least a brief moment they have strayed into that type of illogical thinking.  

If I can expose you to this concept, perhaps you and I will stray into it less and help a few others along the way to tighten their thinking as well.  

I trust that you will be challenged to give this some thought and come to your own wise (not mushy) conclusions!!)  

One of my graduate school professors put it like this:

 "Shakespeare's King Henry V spoke apt words before the Battle of Agincourt, the King blazoned to his men 
He today that sheds his blood with me 
shall be my brother

In other words: "Teaching (and learning) is all about doing battle with shoddy (mushy?) thinking -- with upgrading inferior concepts -- with spilling cerebral blood to eradicate ignorance!"

Howard G. Hendricks

The following is a very good example of a logical process.  It was written by CS Lewis, a well known Professor and a tremendous thinker (NOT MUSHY) who taught at both Oxford and Cambridge Universities and gives us a clear example of dealing with information that requires strong critical thinking:

Regarding the person of Jesus Christ, 
about whom their is much mushy thinking:

The Tri-lemma

C. S. Lewis wrote:

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him:

'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.'

That is one thing we must not say.  A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice.

Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. (1.) You can shut Him up for a fool (2.) You can spit at Him and kill him as a demon (3.) OR you can fall at his feet and call Him Lord and God.

But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."

In this example, you MUST make a decision.  Critical thinking requires that you have the courage to examine carefully all of the evidence and make a clearly thought through decision.  

Mushy thinking does not let you "off the hook" so to speak.  Rather, mushy thinking is simply lazy, based on emotion rather than logic; untenable, does not hold up well to examination.

So, when it comes to critical thinking, it will require some hard work, sweat and "guts" on your part to examine this or any issue.  To do otherwise, is simply MUSHY!!!  

Professor C. S. Lewis: 1898-1963
Oxford University 1925-54;
Cambridge University 1954-63; England

Author of many popular and research books including:

The Chronicles of Narnia; Mere Christianity; God in the Dock; The Space Trilogy; The Problem of Pain; and numerous others

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