Status and “Entitlement”!

Considering the Expectation that Government Can “Fix” Everything!


Ascribed status: positions that an individual either inherits at birth or receives involuntarily later in life (Ex: 1. Royal family in England; 2. Son/daughter of wealthy/powerful person who is given status due to their parents etc, etc, etc)

1.       Achieved Status: positions that are either earned, accomplished, or involve at least some effort or activity on the individuals’ part. (Ex: good old American hard work ethic)


As stated above, we often think of ascribed status as being royalty (per Europe/England etc) or the son and daughter of a wealthy businessman, or wealthy politician who did not have to work hard (or work at all) to gain their money or success (such as being the child of Bill Gates, or Ted Kennedy etc).  – NOTE: some children of the wealthy work VERY hard for their positions – but those who do not, but rather depend on the money earned by their families would fall into this category.


Surprisingly, we also have a whole new group of Americans who live and act as “ascribed status – as though they are royalty – who are they?  Those who depend on the government for direction, care, sustenance, direction in life and wisdom for living.  Generally, these are the welfare recipients - i.e. those who have lower educational skills, and have not developed strong vocational skills and feel entitled to be given a "life" and a living by those who run the government.


There is also a subset of this ascribed category –and they are not welfare recipients:  They are those who live out a welfare worldview even if they are NOT on welfare – i.e., those who actually have good jobs and money BUT feel as though the government owes it to the population to “care” and provide for them – the classic political liberal fits this description – for instance, Ted Kennedy, and most of the Hollywood elite.  They work for their money but still believe that it’s the government’s job to provide “FULL” provisions for the “little people” of the world. 


Think about the oddity of it all.  Prince Charles of England (as well as a Ted Kennedy type politician, or a George Clooney and/or Steven Spielberg Hollywood type elite) and your basic non-working, welfare dependant American are both in the ascribed status.  Prince Charles might view himself as “above” the day to day hum-drum of the working masses – wealthy enough to do little more than make political appearances for charity.  And the American welfare recipient, while not wealthy also sees no need to work, and EXPECTS the government to care for their needs, and gets down-right ticked off if they don’t get everything they are supposed to get.  The American welfare recipient lives very low in quality yet depends so much on the government (again, a sort of odd ascribes status) that they doom themselves to waiting around for the government rather than to use every opportunity to make something better for themselves. 


Do not misunderstand, this is not a class conflict (struggle between proletariat [those who did not own property] and bourgeoisie [wealthy property owners] – rich vs poor.  While there are rich and poor in this issue, they are on both sides of the coin.  Meaning that there are those in the ascribed status who are wealthy due to their parent’s hard work or some other ascribed wealth position and there are the poor who see themselves in an ascribed position (entitled) to the government.  Then there are those in the achieved status who are wealthy and who EARNED every penny, as well as those who are still poor but work very hard and have every expectation of earning their own way and making a better life for both themselves and their families. 


So with this as a general backdrop, Hurricane Katrina hits America and the worldview of the ascribed status and the worldviews of the achieved status become readily visible in their differences.  Read the article below, and answer the questions in the assignment area. 

Professor/Editor’s note:

The article below was written shortly after the Katrina Hurricane.

Unquenchable appetite

The false god of government cannot satisfy in times of plenty or want | by Joel Belz



Why did we ever think it would work? Whatever possessed us to look for the ultimate in disaster relief from a governmental system that had dreamed up public education, the agricultural subsidy program, Medicare, and Social Security? Why did we think they would get this one right?


Truth be told, all the whining about the supposedly insensitive and slow response to Hurricane Katrina is off the mark. When anything comes along that is bigger and badder than anything that has come before—and maybe bigger and badder by a factor of two or three—it's pretty hard to look around and say that somebody should have been ready for this. Sometimes, even in the midst of tragedy and horror, we have to suck it in and collectively plead for mercy. There might be a time for prudent second-guessing down the road, but not quite yet. Finger pointing while corpses are still bobbing in the murky waters is unseemly. There will almost certainly be enough guilt to go around when the time comes.


But let's grant, for the moment, that President George Bush, FEMA, Homeland Security, and all the rest of the federal apparatus should have taken a few hours off three weeks ago to rehearse several times over just what they might do in the specific event that any one of dozens of possible permutations began to unfold as Katrina approached from the Gulf of Mexico. Then let's assume as well that all these plans had been carried out perfectly. What on earth prompts us to suppose Americans would have been happier with the results?


Happiness with the results of any big government effort, of course, is almost an oxymoron. The reason is simply that when people start putting their trust in big government, they've attached themselves to a false god. And false gods can't produce the goods.


What we saw in New Orleans last week was the pathetic picture of people whose expectations in a false god had been so enhanced that when the false god stumbled for a day or two, some of his worshippers flew into a rage. They'd been betrayed, they said. Not only had their god failed to tend to their obvious physical needs in prompt style; he had made them look weak and foolish in the process.


Note this well: A people who cannot, even while in dire distress, minister to the weakest and the dying among them; a people who do not, even while waiting hungrily for help they desperately need, respectfully and reverently take care of the bodies of those who do die; such a people will be known to history as frighteningly farther down the road to decadence than most of us want to admit.


And then remember this: That such a people will in the days to come develop a bigger and bigger appetite for gods who promise them everything. And then they will show a lower and lower tolerance for gods who do not perform.


The smug pretense—exhibited over the last few days by politicians, by media writers and broadcasters, by religious leaders, and by entertainers—claimed repeatedly that if government had just been prepared, much of the horror left by Hurricane Katrina might have been precluded. But the suggestion is false on its face, for it is difficult to conceive of any organization of human capacities that might have tended to the needs of half a million people much better than what you've watched since Aug. 30. News reports have suggested repeatedly that even in the Third World, things would have gone faster than they did in the Gulf states. Don't believe it. In the Third World, hunger is perpetual. What you saw for a week or two was painful, but exceptional. What you see so many other places is chronic.


According to the Bible, deliberately shortchanging the poor, or even carelessly ignoring their needs, is wicked behavior. But raising false expectations is also a cruel game. And that includes constantly dividing the people and feeding the illusion that if we'd just had some other president, or some other governor, or some other mayor, we could all be content. If government can't make us all happy even when there isn't an emergency, why should we make it our god when the next Katrina comes blowing through?


 Copyright © 2005 WORLD Magazine
September 17, 2005, Vol. 20, No. 36

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