Part 2
The Importance of Setting Realistic and Specific Goals

It’s important that you set specific goals that are measurable.  When the conditions of a measurable goal are met then you have a concrete way of seeing your progress.  If you find that you're constantly failing to meet measurable goals you may need to adjust some of the specifics of your goal so that you can change the outcome.  Some of the adjustments that you make may include: improving your skills in a particular area or taking different action steps.  For instance, if step "A" does not lead directly to step "B" as you expected, then add steps "A1", A2, A3 etc.  It will take a bit longer but you will get there!

Make sure that your goals are realistic.  When you set unrealistic goals you’ll have little chance of achieving them.  Don’t let other people set your goals for you, such as the media or society or pop culture (Do we really all need to to start another diet or own a wide screen TV?).  You need to be in control of the goals that you want to fulfill.  Again, be sure you have a clear understanding of what it is that you are trying to achieve so that you master the knowledge and the skills that you need to get there.

When you set your goals, determine your performance level.  Strive for better than average performance so that you are constantly pushing yourself to do more.  Don’t forget to take time now and then to relax and enjoy the process of working towards your goals.  Perhaps create some small reward points when you reach certain milestones (a bowl of ice cream, a night out with your spouse, a shopping spree? - but save the best for when you are done). The entire process of goal setting should be one that you enjoy.  And don't forget, your two greatest enjoyments will be seeing incremental progress and sensing that you are "getting close" AND being able to look back at your accomplished goals when you're finished!

Don't Set Goals Too Low

When you’re setting goals, don't set them too low.  Although low goals are usually quite easy to achieve, working on goals that are set too low will often bring about only short term feelings of satisfaction.  As well, goals that are set too low won’t inspire you to learn and grow further since accomplishing them is not very challenging. 

Are you afraid to fail?  That's pretty common.  Fear of failure makes you unwilling to take the risks that come with higher goals.  Incrementally "checking off" your goals should increase your self-confidence in who you are and what you can do.  The more self-confidence that you acquire the more risks you’ll take.  Don’t think of failure as always being a negative thing.  Failure can be positive since it shows you where you need to make improvements in your skill and performance.

Push yourself and look for a balance in your life so that you’re always striving for something and being challenged - while being realistic enough to not feel overcome with stress if you’ve set your goals too high.  Goals are about stretching your limits and becoming the best that you can be.

Realize that you ARE better than you give yourself credit for - so set your standard a bit higher and trust your abilities to learn what you need to learn and do what you need to do in order to accomplish your goals!

Part 3, coming soon...

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